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Section detailing the mechanisms in place for collection of PCI data.
The original BCIS-CCAD dataset for PCI was introduced in 2002 and has since been updated on several occasions. Details are on the ‘BCIS-CCAD datasets and history’ page. There are several ways in which units can collect these data.
Data are entered via the NCAP section of the NICOR web site. There are 2 options:
1. A local database can be used to for data entry. This database will need to create an export file of the specified csv format, and this can then by uploaded to the NICOR website.
2. Direct data entry. Log in to the NCAP section of the NICOR web site, log into the PCI section and enter procedure specific data into the web forms provided
I have designed a PCI database program using Microsoft Access. This is available for free download on the ‘Current PCI database’ page. In addition to providing procedure reports and a variety of analyses, it creates a commas separated values (csv) file in the format required for upload to NICOR.
There are a number of commercially available database systems. These also all work by extracting the required data to create a csv file in the appropriate format for upload to NICOR.
Peter Ludman 2020