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20th December 2021
Mentorship is crucial for professional development within cardiology. In order to identify current mentorship trends and needs within Cardiology, a “Global Mentorship Survey” has been designed by Dr F. Aaysha Cader (Bangladesh) and Dr Shrilla Banerjee (UK), who were recipients of the 2021 Women as One Escalator Awards. Dr Banerjee , Ordinary Council Member and co-Chair of the Focus Group on Women in Interventional Cardiology, was co-author of the 2005 paper by Professor Adam Timmis disseminating the BCS Working Group findings on Women in Cardiology.
Here is the link to the survey:
The survey takes less than 5 minutes. It is open to ALL cardiologists, and ANY stage of their careers – in training, hoping to apply for cardiology and it will help build targeted mentorship programming for cardiologists across the globe.
I am most grateful for your help disseminating this survey in our BCIS network. It really would be useful to try to get this out to men and women.
Please let me know if there is any further information you might need.
Survey closes end of January 2022.
Thank you very much
Best wishes,
Shrilla Banerjee
Chair, Women in Cardiology Focus Group