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1st August 2022
Dear AHP colleagues
We would be grateful if you could consider completing this survey regarding Intracoronary imaging use including any barriers to using and training from an AHP perspective. You are uniquely positioned as a highly skilled worker within the Cath Lab and one that needs to know how to use this piece of equipment. However, how much emphasis has been placed on ensuring you have received the training you require?
If you have received training, have you received enough?
Is there more you would like to know?
Have you ever wondered why or how they decide to use intracoronary imaging but find that your operators just don’t explain further?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions or wanted to know more…. Then this survey is your chance to let us know.
By understanding more about what training AHP’s have received or would like to receive, the AHP community can shape the future of AHP training.
Please feel free to forward this onto any Cath Lab AHP’s that are not registered with BCIS… although do please encourage them to join up 😊
Here is the introduction to the survey… oh and as a little enticement… not only is the survey anonymous… there is also the opportunity to enter a PRIZE DRAW and it is a pretty good prize! 3-Day registration to ACI 2023 (not including accommodation or Dinner tickets) – now surely that is worth 5 minutes of your time?
Want to know more? Keep reading… and then click here or click below: