Special Notice Regarding the Administration of BCIS

Special Notice Regarding the Administration of BCIS

18th February 2020

18 February 2020

Dear BCIS Member,

As you will know by now, BCIS Council has agreed to enter into an agreement with Millbrook Medical Conferences to provide administrative services to BCIS, rather than using the current British Cardiovascular Society services. It is therefore our responsibility to formally advise you that Millbrook will serve as a data processor on behalf of BCIS.

Further information about the full GDPR policy that relates to this can be found here.

As a very important part of this reorganisation, and to allow us to avoid some BCIS members paying their subscriptions via the older BCS system, and some directly via the BCIS system, we will be writing, after 2/3/20, to those members who are paying their subs via the old BCS system (which will become redundant) to invite them to change to the newer BCIS subscription mechanism. We hope to make this as painless as possible!

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Azeem Ahmad, our affiliates coordinator at the BCS, for all his loyal and dedicated service to BCIS over the years.

With kind regards,

Prof. Nick Curzen
President, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society

Dr. Clare Appleby
Honorary Secretary, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society