Calls for the BCIS Young Investigator Award & the new BCIS Research of the Year Award
14th September 2018
Dear BCIS Member,
Following the success of the Young Investigator award last year, I am pleased to announce that we are continuing with this process again this year, but we are also introducing a new category of research award.
The new award, the BCIS Research of the Year Award, will be open for all researchers, not just Young Investigators, and will run in parallel with the YIA. Our aim is to attract the submission of any original research from more senior investigators around the UK. In each category, the best 4 submissions will be shortlisted for presentation at the BCIS Research Day at the Royal College of Physicians in London on December 13 2018, at which a panel of judges will pick the overall winner. The winner in each category will then be invited to present their abstract at a main session at ACI 2019 and will receive their certificate and prize from the President at this session.
I therefore invite submissions in 2 categories this year:
1. Young Investigators Award (defined as any trainee below consultant level)
2. BCIS Research of the Year Award (open to any investigator above trainee level)
In both categories submissions should fit the following criteria:
-all original research, basic or clinical, is
-Maximum text of 500 words
-Plus up to 1 table and 1 figure
-Headings: Background; Method; Results; Conclusion
-Not have been published more than 3 months before the closing date (in other words the work can be at any stage of the process from unsubmitted to accepted for publication or very recently published)
-All submissions should include:
Statement of type of award applied for at the top, in bold (YIA or BCIS Research)
Name of applicant first and in bold, followed by list of co-authors where appropriate
Declaration of funding
All submissions should be sent to by the closing date: midnight on 14/10/18.
I am happy to answer all queries about either award via
Good luck!
Prof Nick Curzen
Lead, BCIS R&D Committee