Announcement of the new Allied Health Professionals Working Group Lead

Announcement of the new Allied Health Professionals Working Group Lead

7th October 2021

Dear BCIS Member,

After the recent election, BCIS council is pleased to welcome Sarah Carson, Senior Nurse at the Bristol Heart Institute as the new Lead for the Allied Health Professionals Working Group.

There will be a short overlap period with the exiting Lead, Douglas Muir.

Best wishes,

Doulas Muir, AHP Working Group Lead

BCS Emerging Leaders Programme

BCS Emerging Leaders Programme

26th March 2021

Call for Expressions of Interest – Nurses and Radiographers

Dear Colleagues

The BCS is seeking applications from nurses and radiographers who would be interested in being delegates on this highly prestigious course for EMERGING LEADERS. The objective is to provide training and support for experienced Cath Lab nurses and radiographers with the ambition to seek/apply for senior leadership roles.

I should point out that the opportunity is also open to physiologists, but the BCS is pursuing this via their own physiologists’ society route.

The following links provide the draft programme for this year’s event and an idea of the selection criteria and application.

This is an exciting opportunity for BCIS members.

Good luck!

Prof. Nick Curzen
President, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society

AHP Group Committee Member Positions

AHP Group Committee Member Positions

7th November 2020




Dear BCIS member,

We would like to invite expressions of interest from BCIS members keen to have a role in the continued development of our Society by contributing to the work of the AHP Group.

Allied Health Professional Group Committee Member (3 posts)

We are looking for dedicated, enthusiastic and experienced allied health professionals to join the Group and play a key role in its various activities including: organisation of the BCIS AHP Summer Meeting; ACI – AHP sessions. You can find out more details about the Allied Health Professionals Group on the BCIS website where there is a dedicated AHP area.

Person Specification

  • Qualifications: Relevant professional qualification for discipline.
  • Experience: Relevant experience in interventional cardiology practice. As a guide, indicative experience of eight years post qualification with at least five years working within interventional cardiology desirable. Minimum of two years at senior level.
  • Other: an interest in teaching and education is essential with an expected commitment to take part in sessions during the AHP Summer meeting and ACI. Experience of delivering talks / leading teaching sessions is desirable.

We are looking for enthusiastic members who have novel ideas to develop the goals of the AHP group and BCIS for the future.


Application is by self-nomination, with reference to the person specification above. A supporting statement from the candidate, no more than 1 side of A4, which specifically addresses their suitability for the role must accompany self-nomination in order for the application to be valid.

Feel free to pass on details to other AHP colleagues who may be interested. If your colleague(s) is not currently a member of BCIS, they would be very welcome to join. Click here for further details. Membership of BCIS is required for the posts.

These applications will be scored by a panel consisting of the AHP Chair, currently Dr Douglas Muir, together with other members of BCIS Council. Successful candidates will be chosen based upon the best scores.

Informal enquiries are welcome – please contact any member of the Working Group or alternatively, please contact the Group via

Best wishes,

Dougie Muir

Chair, AHP Working Group

AHP Cath Lab Open Days 2016

AHP Cath Lab Open Days 2016

9th January 2016

Cath Lab Open Days 2016

We now have a program of cath lab open days set up throughout the year. These are aimed at senior cath lab staff, who are invited to spend a day looking around the facilities and discussing patient management at the host site. We are excited that a range of different labs have been willing to open their doors to share best practice.

How to register your interest? If you are interested in a visit to one of the below centres, there are places still available. Please contact asap direct the relevant centre contact(s) and ensure that you copy in BCIS into your communications so that we are aware. (It is not always the case that the advertised date/month is the only available time, you will be able to arrange a visit to a specific centre, but please ensure that your communications are clear and prompt with the centre and BCIS to avoid any disappointment).

Participating sites in 2016:

Month/Date(s) Centre Key Features Contact

Royal Blackburn Hospital

  • 2 cath labs
  • Standardised pathways/daycase angiography/PCI
  • Multi skilled cath lab team
  • Cath Lab team covering labs/pre-assessment/daycase unit

Dr Scot Garg

Helen Curson,

Debbie Wilcox,

Tel: 01254 733 310/681

June Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
  • Radial lounge
  • Large tertiary centre
Karen Wafer
September 22nd Royal Bournemouth Hospital
  • Largest non surgical PCI centre in UK
  • High volume and complex PCI
  • PCI specialist nurses
  • Impella/IABP

Fiona McCreadie,

Stephen Boyd

Tel: 01202 704 052

December Royal Free Hospital
  • Direct access for STEMI-NSTEMI
  • Intravascular imaging OCT-IVUS
Chris Loder

BCIS AHP 2nd meeting 2012: REPORT

BCIS AHP 2nd meeting 2012: REPORT

9th January 2012

BCIS AHP 2nd meeting 2012: REPORT

6 people set off to BCIS HQ in London for the second meeting of the AHPs group. Due to transport and work problems only four of us made it. The upside of this was more biscuits and sandwiches for those who got there.

Our meeting had been organised to take forward the agenda for AHPs development under the umbrella of BCIS. The first item discussed was our own internal communications, which had been difficult due to the geographic spread of the members. This was increasingly important in the run up to our first AHPs course in March.

Doug Fraser, group chair, gave an update of what had been going on within BCIS since our last meeting and how AHPs would be represented within the BCIS Training and Education Group. The colleague to undertake this role was yet to be finalised.

The AHPs section of the BCIS website was our next focus. This was now live and would be continually developing. It was clear that the most tangible development of our committee was the upcoming Catheter Lab Basics course in March. We were all delighted to note the number of protocols and operational policies that had already been placed on the website to help colleagues to develop their practice. More were sought and there were some patient satisfaction surveys expected soon. There was also going to be a research area, which Karen Wilson would be providing.

The next area that came to light was a vacancy in our committee for a cardiac physiologist since the resignation of Joel Rankin. It was agreed to seek permission from the BCIS Administration Group to recruit a new member. The meeting chair clarified that each committee member is each elected for a period of 2 years, which may be extended by a further 2 years on application. The existing members are therefore up for re-application in May 2014.

We then discussed communications with other groups. Colleagues had been finding it difficult to get funding to attend courses, especially overseas. It was decided to look into potential funding from BCIS for an AHP representative to attend a European meeting.

The AHPs session at ACI in January was our next focus. Dr Fraser would be cochairing the session on the Friday afternoon (25th January) with Sam Chapman. The committee was confident that the line-up this year was as strong and interesting as ever. This led to our final point, which was to arrange our next meeting, which would be at 7.30am on that Friday morning. We were all understandably excited about such an early start.

We agreed that a report of each of these regular meetings would be shared on the website… and here it is!

Straight after the meeting, Chris Loder, Doug and I set off for the Royal Free Hospital to view the planned venue for the March course, but once again time and traffic beat us. We had to abandon this trip in order to get to Euston in time for our train back to the frozen north.

That we all lived for another day is heartening, especially as the preparatory work for the March course goes on. Remember 18 – 19 March 2013. Be there or be square!

Bryan Walker

Radiography representative, BCIS AHP Working Group

Clinical Lead Radiographer Manchester Royal Infirmary, Catheter Labs January 2013