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24th November 2022
Call to all interventional trainees!
It is often said that we learn the most from our complications. Do you have a complication that taught you an important lesson, and are you willing to share this with other trainees? If the answer to this is yes, and you would value the opportunity to present at a national virtual meeting of your peers then look no further. We are currently looking for cases for presentation at the BCIS Coronary Interventional Trainees e-course, to be held on Monday 12th December 2022.
The case does not have to be something unusual, unique or spectacular, but it does have to be a case you were directly involved in and with a learning outcome you can share with others. All cases should follow the same format. This is a very interactive session so you should consider asking the audience for their input on the case at various points, i.e. “what would you do next/now?” A brief summary of the clinical background to the patient including indication for the proposed procedure.
The case then needs to be presented with appropriate angiographic images to demonstrate the procedure. It is important for you to get across your decision making process in how the complication was manged, and various options considered/discussed. The case need to conclude with what done in this specific case, and the outcome, with a summary of what the take home messages were from your personal perspective and how it would change your practice in the future.
All submissions should be submitted via the form below by the closing date of 5pm on Monday 5th December, 2022. The Training and Education Group (TEG) will then select the best cases for presentation at the meeting.
Open to BCIS Trainee members only.