Course Overview

The aim of the BCIS Cardiac Physiology Catheter Lab Course is to equip cardiac physiologists working in the cardiac catheter lab with the knowledge and practical skills to safely undertake interventional procedures independently.

This two day course will cover the theory of interventions and procedures in the cardiac catheter lab, with a period of supervised practical assessments taken place in the applications workplace.

This is delivered in partnership with the British Cardiovascular interventional Society, and the candidates base hospital and it is expected that the entire course can be completed within two years of starting.

The AHP Working Group and BCIS have developed this course specifically for YOU.

Who is this conference aimed at? The conference is aimed at cardiac physiologists.



Accreditation is run for members of BCIS and is not a compulsory or regulatory certificate of competence or excellence.

The accreditation process comprises two parts:

Theoretical study, attendance at the BCIS Cardiac Physiology Catheter Lab two day Course

Completion of a practical logbook assessment submission with a narrated presentation case study from the logbook.

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The catheter lab skills can only be maintained by continued education and practical involvement in the labs.

The candidate must have a designated mentor who is an experienced catheter lab cardiac physiologist to assist them through the accreditation process.

The logbook should be collected over a period of 18 months and can be submitted sooner if complete. The 18 months starts at the point of attending the 2 study days.

This Logbook is to record the reflection of both the candidate and assessor ensuring that there is positive and constructive feedback and guidance on improving practice.

Patient identifiable data should not be recorded in the logbook.

Final sign off for the logbook is undertaken by the departmental lead for cardiac catheter labs.

The course is exclusive to BCIS members. For details on joining BCIS, click here.

The cost to attend this two day course is £299

This new BCIS course has been initiated by the BCIS AHP Working Group.

Please note: Accommodation needs to be sourced and paid for by you, the individual. We will share information about recommended hotels soon.