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Allied Health Professionals Working Group

The BCIS AHP Working Group was initiated in 2012 with the goal of providing high quality, focused education for nurses, radiographers and physiologists working in interventional cardiac catheter labs around the country. The aim of the group remains to provide AHPs with the necessary tools for them to continue to develop their practice, and improve the service offered to our patients, by learning from each other. To achieve this, we hold a yearly summer conference (face to face and online) specifically for AHPs, where staff of all levels come together to learn new skills, share techniques and discuss the latest developments in interventional cardiology. In addition, the working group actively participate in the yearly ACI conference, providing an AHP viewpoint and delivering specific AHP sessions for BCIS members.


CPD Audit

All AHPS are required to maintain their own records of CPD. The Working Group have experienced people who can help you through the audit process.

CPD specific-links by profession

Nursing and Midwifery Council – Professional Development

Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists – CPD
Health & Care Professions Council – CPD
Society for Cardiological Science & Technology – CPD

Health & Care Professions Council – CPD
Society and College of Radiographers – CPD
British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging – Accreditation


Sarah Carson


Royal United Hospital Bath

As a senior cardiac nurse, I have a particular interest in complex angioplasty, and also a passion for team education and training. In particular, human factors, crisis management and dealing with complications rate high on my list of training that should be available for all the cath lab MDT. In this way we empower the team not only to understand everyone’s role, but also to create an open learning environment in which to work. My interests also include cath lab efficiency and improvements, as not only do we improve the patient experience, but we can generate greater staff engagement and satisfaction.

Benjamin La Fevre

Bristol Heart Institute

I am a Lead Cardiac Clinical Scientist at the Bristol Heart Institute and associate lecturer at the University of the West of England.

I have worked at the Bristol heart Institute for over 9 years, and have spent the last few years in a lead physiologist role. During my time in Bristol I have completed a Masters in Translational Cardiovascular Medicine and I am currently over half way through a Professional Doctorate called the Highly Specialised Scientists Training (HSST) programme.

My specialist interest is in Electrophysiology, but I also enjoy all aspects of interventional cardiology. I especially love working as part of a highly skilled multidisciplinary team providing specialist care for NHS patients.

Lauren MacPhee-Leech

John Radcliffe Hospital

Laura Starr

Member Without Portfolio

Dorset County Hospital

Claire Woodmore

Member Without Portfolio

Torbay & South Devon NHS Trust

Amanda Hayden

Member Without Portfolio

Worcestershire Royal Hospital

Hayley Hill

Member Without Portfolio

Northampton General Hospital

Hi, I am the Specialist Nurse Angiographer at Northampton Heart Centre which is part of the University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group. I started in the Cath Lab as a total novice in 2008 and have worked from a junior staff nurse through the ranks to become the Cath Lab Manager in 2013. This leads me to my current position as Nurse Angiographer which I started in 2021. I have a range of experiences from setting up new services to managing and training staff in a range of pre, post and peri routine and complex PCI (& pacing). I am currently working towards my MSc in QI as my passion lies within teamworking and leadership and I hope to utilise my specialist role to ensure continuous quality improvements in the interventional cardiology patient’s journey.

Max Costello

Member Without Portfolio

John Radcliffe Hospital

I’m Max Costello a Senior Cardiac physiologist, working in Oxford at the John Radcliffe hospital. As a patient myself, and a physiologist working in the field, I strive to bridge the gap in patients’ education and developing skills for new staff members coming into the NHS. I am passionate about cardiology and the cath labs. I am driven to promote cardiac physiology as a profession and to educate others about the work that cath lab teams collectively achieve for the best possible patient outcome.

Craig Robertson

Member Without Portfolio

Essex Cardiothoracic Centre

I am the Lead PCI Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Essex Cardiothoracic Centre.

I have worked at the Essex Cardiothoracic Centre for over 9 years, 3 of which as the PCI Clinical Nurse Specialist. During my time in Essex I have completed my cardiac care course, assessment and consultation course and non medical prescribers course and am currently on a Masters pathway.

My background is ward based interventional cardiology, pre and post PCI care, angina management and care of STEMI patients on a high dependancy unit. I have set up a Chronic Total Occlusion MDT which I run monthly and manage all patients who are awaiting procedures.
My role involves a lot of planning of complex PCI procedure prior to the lab and follow up care afterwards. I have also set up Nurse led discharge of STEMI, ACS and elective patients.

Ellie Gudde

AHP Representative on Council

Basildon Hospital

Michael Galinato

Member Without Portfolio

The Essex Cardiothoracic


Daniel Obaid


Kevin Carson


Royal United Hospital, Bath